Originally Posted by shadoquad
Sonic, I have a couple of counter points, though.
- Keeping up with the Joneses mean you'll never be satisfied. I'm satisfied with what I've got, and even if the next Z was much faster, I couldn't afford to buy it, so I have to enjoy my Z for what it is.
- The Mazda Miata has survived for a long time as a sports car with low hp. HP sells cars, but there has to be a limit somewhere.
- If the Z dies, it may come back later, as we saw before.
Well said on all points. But have to disagree on the Mita statement. The Z is a
much better car. And staying in the Miata's playground is going backward.
To me it seems like the Z is caught in a no mans land. Somewhere between all the new products GM,Ford and even Dodge are bringing out.Like it or not imho nissan is in competition with those cars for the customers dollar.
No to get off point but most buyers don't want to buy a car to put mods on it
they want to leave the dealer with the HP ready to go.. But like i said that is imo.........