Originally Posted by sonic370
all comments are well said. It would be sad to see the Z dropped
From the Nissan line up. as one poster said the Z takes a back
Seat to no one when it comes to styling. But for better or worse
The flavor of the month right now is HP. And the Z is
Losing that battle and IMO has got to catch up or the car will
go away
Sonic, I have a couple of counter points, though.
- Keeping up with the Joneses mean you'll never be satisfied. I'm satisfied with what I've got, and even if the next Z was much faster, I couldn't afford to buy it, so I have to enjoy my Z for what it is.
- The Mazda Miata has survived for a long time as a sports car with low hp. HP sells cars, but there has to be a limit somewhere.
- If the Z dies, it may come back later, as we saw before.