While I believe the Z has to fight those cars for the market share, they all offer completely different things, in my opinion.
All the cars OP mentioned, as well as the Mustang, are very heavy, and they're four seats. They, while catering to the same market, cater to different buyers. Loyal Mustang drivers tend to continue to drive Mustangs (hence buy Mustangs) for as long as they can for as long as they want. Brand loyalty means a lot. I think we're starting to split hairs as far as the "market" goes, we don't know how the current market will turn out as we get a decade in. Lighter weight and better power to weight ratio and high hp/lower displacement will probably win out over high displacement/high horsepower. Turbocharging is the current trend, although I'm not sure if anyone feels like lowering the reliability of a car just to provide lots of power (wait what am I saying of course people feel this way).
"Since one of my brake light bulbs just went out, the forum told me that my piston rings are about to blow."