Originally Posted by antennahead
I remember reading in another thread about the bearings not being as hard nor resilliant as they used to be, as a result on changes in the metalurgy brought about by environmental standards. I would love an engine expert to chime in or be consulted as to just how high of temps this engine will tolerate and for what length of time. That would answer alot of questions for those of us that don't track the car, but still enjoy driving it the way it was meant to be driven, and live in hot climates.
I'm definitely not an expert, but the threads that claim 'soft metals' often list those to be 1) aluminum, 2) zinc and 3) tin. I looked up the melting point of these metals and aluminum was >600C, zinc >400C and tin just over 200C. I'd be amazed to hear any internal engine components are made nearly entirely of tin. Thus, any component deemed 'soft' by these threads is really not at any risk of melting at engine temps under 300C. I doubt they'd be very deformable so far from their melting points as well.