Originally Posted by kooj_01
Okay excellent thanks for the info. I should be getting mine this week so I'm trying to get a good idea of what I got to do. From what I understand the re-q has two brown wires that those hook to? And I have heard people say that they had problems when using those wires off the sub connecter and that it was not loud enough do to it being low level. Being you have it done the way I am gonna do it I was wondering if you acquired any problems like this?
What I did was tie into the rear speaker outputs also, not sure if that made any difference cause I never tried it with just the sub. It was really easy, I tied in close to the main Bose amp with no issues.
I will say the odvious stuff just incase, make sure you remove the battery ground first. Solder all connections, then shrink wrap them. Use some wireloom to protect the wiring and finish it off nice. When you first start the RE-Q up you will likely be near full gain on the RE-Q start with the amp at half gain or lower then turn it up. The RE-Q is a bit of PITA to tune especially if you place it under your sub box. If you cant reach the RE-Q then go full gains on the RE-Q and turn the crossover to 100hz or above, then use your amp crossover to do your final tuning. If your amp and RE-Q are both under the sub then your sort of screwed on tuning. Then start best guess and keep the volume low on the deck to start with.
Just some tips I found when I did what your about to do. I ended up changing it all cause I hated the amp and RE-Q under the sub, which led me to a full system change.