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Old 02-15-2011, 01:49 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by onzedge View Post
I went with a Stealth cord for my 9500ix. It is the same idea as the Invisicord, but, if memory serves, has a fuse built in. Installation was all of 2 minutes.

BTW: Do not be fooled into thinking that radar detectors are in any way guarantee you to be ticket free. I have been using radar detectors for more around 26 years (Escorts and Passports) and they do make you aware when you are getting painted. However, i got a speeding ticket (my first in 12 years) in 2008, even with radar detection on.

I was heading up Hwy 99 north of Sacramento in my 240z where the road is two lanes in each direction and is without a barrier. It is a rural area and early in the AM. I saw the CHP coming toward me in the opposite direction and my detector (a Solo S2) emitted a single beep. When he passed me I saw his brake lights come on in my rear view.

After we exchanged pleasantries and he wrote me up (he knocked off 10 mph), I asked how he got me. He stated that they tend to keep their radars in passive mode until they want to nail someone and it just takes a push of a button for them to get an instant read.

Food for thought.
Yes, the above poster mentioned some good points. Damn instant on Radar! It really makes our detectors less affective. Also, if they are using Laser (which seems less common) the detector will let you know you've been hit with Laser, but once you hear that sound you are pretty much screwed. Once it goes off they know how fast you are going. You can get some false alarms there as they may be hitting a car next to you if you are in traffic (so they may go after him). Although with Laser they need direct line of sight and I believe you have to be coming at them or driving away from them (doesn't work around corners or over hills). These days radar detectors are basically for detecting those cops sitting on the side of the road with their radar constantly on. With my V1 I can "see" these guys from a mile away.
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