I don't understand the argument about "sound stage" the point of 2 channels is so you have L and R not so you will have 2 speakers or front left and front right. With rear speakers you get L and R but instead of the music coming from in front of you, you are engulfed in it.
I would understand an argument that smaller lower quality speakers would ruin the sound of high quality fronts, but this is not the argument being made.
I installed rears on a whim and have them tuned down a little so they do not overpower the fronts. I like how they fill the emtpy sound from the rear. Before the "stage" was too much in front and not enough side to side.
again this is all just a matter of opinion, and I respect that others have their opinions on what sounds good. But if I need to read one more post (bigaudiofan) about how rears are a bad idea i think my eyes are going to bleed.