Originally Posted by davidyan
plan to keep mine for about 10 years - I can't really see myself trading in cars every 2 - 3 years. I typically buy the first year it comes out so that I can benefit from the new body style for as long as possible prior to the next redesign. I also look for cars that look a little bit "ahead of its time" that way in the later years that I own it, it still looks reasonably stylish.
I also have a second older car that is a daily driver which will help keep the miles down on the Z.
Interesting. I usually buy in the last, or next to last production year of a particular model because by then all the bugs are worked out and the platform has fully evolved.
Have you found yourself playing "guinea pig" any, or has your plan been perfect so far? I know 1 person is a very small sample size and more based on luck.
Interesting to see your thoughts compared to mine. Makes the world go round!