Originally Posted by pulpz
Did you buy it out early or at end of lease?
Reason why I ask is because I bought my Murano out of lease early and had no leverage to renegotiate the lease. Was also dealing with A Nissan rep at a call center in India.
I leased my Acura also and will buy it when the lease is up. Based on market value now it will likely be worth more than the residual. But I want to be able to negotiate the purchase price below residual anyhow. Any tips?
Here's a post I did on a BMW board some time ago, but it is still accurate, at least for BMW. This did work for me, and as the then current market price of my car was significantly below the residual, I won big time. As I posted, BMW Financial Services will not negotiate, but the dealer will. I purchased the car 10 days before the lease ended. Good luck!
This might end up lengthy, but hopefully worthwhile. Much credit should be give to the thread
Lease Due Almost in about a Month... Questions - ZPOST by Dubbedown, who gave me much information on the thread and in PMs, which I then expanded upon and confirmed with my dealer (not always to the dealer's happiness).
If you want to buy your leased car before 3 months of lease end, you pay the residual to BMWFS. BMWFS with not negotiate a buy out price with you at any time. Within 90 days of lease end you can negotiate a buyout of your car with ANY BMW dealer, not just the dealer you originally purchased it from.
The dealer gets a "magic number", the Dynamic Price from BMWFS, which is based on BMWFS witch's brew of calculations based on the Manheim (sp?) auction price and other inputs to determine what BMWFS will sell the car to a BMW dealer. You can then negotiate with ANY BMW dealer for your buy out just as you did when you purchased the car.
CPO and Maintenance are separate addons if you want to buy them, and they are also negotiable.
The highest price you would ever have to pay is the residual. The lowest price is what a dealer will sell it to you at. You basically call 2 or 3 dealers (including the original), tell them you want to buy out a leased car, and ask them if they want to do a guaranteed sale for a particular VIN. They have no risk of inventory or costs other than paper work.
A friend of mine purchased a FULLY loaded Z4M Roadster at the end of his TWO year lease for $32,000, and he didn't even bargain. That was the dealer's offer to him.
You might want to contact Dubbedown by PM to get his experience. Mine is still outside of the 3 months, so I have not begun the negotiation process.
The very sharp saleswoman who originally sold me my car, after she learned I knew the process, told me to wait for a final price closer to the end of the "driving season", as she has seen price fluctuations of a few thousands for sports cars between spring and fall.
Oh, and a bitch is that BMWFS will sell the car through the dealer to the non-current lessee at a lower price than to you. They want you to absorb some of the depreciation. They have the gall to call this their "Loyalty Plan". No way around this, including a sale to husband/wife/significant other if at the same address.
Good luck!