Originally Posted by semtex
Come again, Robert? So the measured gains people have seen on the dyno from the Stillen G3 intakes are what? A complete fiction? Or am I not understanding you? 
Let me state for the record that I'm not an engineer or mechanic or anything close; my expertise is accounting, finance and IT.
I have learned to realy on people that are engineers and mechanics when it comes to engineering/mechanical issues (and I have on numerous occasions stayed at Holiday Inn Express hotels).
I've had conversations about this very issue with both Nissan engineers and with Doug Stewart (Doug owns Crawford Z Car Service in Nashville and has made his living repairing and racing Zs and Nissans in general for over 30 years; his shop is also were we [Nissan] takes vehicles form the heritage collection for work. I won't advertise his website here but Doug has developed many performance parts for Zs including, of course, the 350 and I can only assume he is working on parts for the 370) and as Doug's shop sells and installs intake kits he has a vested interest in encouraging their use.
So with that said and after that long introduction...what Doug and Nissan engineers have told me is what I mentioned above; that the air box set-up on the 350/370 is more than adequate to feed the engine all the air it can handle in anything near stock form and using a low restriction air filter is as much of an increase in air flow as the engine can use/need.
Certainly, if you are going to start dong major modifications that will give the enging a greate need/ability for air then that's a different equaiton but putting an intake on the stock engine does not get you anything; at least not enough of anythign to justify the expense.
Now; I've nothign against intake kits and they do add a nice look to the engine and most people, including me, think they give the intake a nice "sound" but if you are lookinf for a measurable HP/Tq increase it seems that there are better ways to spend your money.
Disclaimer: nothing I've said above should be construed as offering mechanical advice nor is it the official position of Nissan North America or Nissan Motor Limited; no warranty is either expressed or implied...you sould should consult professionals in your area who can evaluate your specific circumstances...Live Long and Prosper!!!