Originally Posted by Jessobear
I rarely ever see 370Z's. I saw one on 66 around Arlington a couple weeks ago, but in DC they're really scarce. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that most of them would be concentrated in the VA burbs. That seems to be a place where people would have money and would also consider buying a car like this.
I could probably own this car for years and never show up in a thread like this. My previous car was REALLY obvious and it never showed up in any of the "spotted" threads.
There are a lot in the burbs, you are right. When I had mine there were two others that lived in my old apartment complex in Fairfax. There was even a Monterrey Blue one that I assume was a friend or girlfriend of one of the complex residents because I'd see her car every now and then but knew it didn't actually "live" there.
I have a little 370Z map in my head and remember where a lot of them live, work, and drive to-from.

We have a lot in Woodbridge now actually. I reguarly see 2x white ones, a black one, and a blue one.
There are also a few PGs and PWs I see in the area immediately surrounding my office in Falls Church.
Oh and there's a white one that's always next to the Anita's in Fairfax.