Originally Posted by daisuke149
granted on that one, i test drove those a bit and its def not quite as crisp as a 370z. Going back to the they softened it up a bit.
either way like others said gratz on getting a 370z whenever you do!
Oh yeah, I kind of impulse bought it after my WRX was totalled (Granny driver going 55 through a stop sign t-boned me) and my volvo turned into a fireball.... and someone offered me more for my supra then what I purchased it for lol.
I do like it, But I like really agressive driving cars and this is just not an agressive driving car. and the interior, while nicer then expected still isnt up to par when compared to a 370z
thank you! I plan on purchasing one by the end of next month.(still waiting on wrx accident to get settled so I can have a hefty down payment)