Originally Posted by Super Tanooki
So ScratchX is better than that Mothers stuff then I take it? What wax do you use? Is there a good store I can buy all this stuff, or should I order it from a particular website? I have nothing, no cloths, no sponges, I don't even have two buckets. My whole life here is new. 
not sure if it's 'better' or not but SratchX is a very mild polish with dimishing abrasives so it's easy to use.
as for wax i use Prima Hydro (spray polymer) for my dd's and Griot's Best of Show on my G and Z. Since my G/Z dont see any rain or snow lately ive only used Griot's SprayOn Wax and SpeedShine to keep the finish maintained. water/detailer spray beads like crazy.
like last year i didn't even have to wash either cars because they were spotless and only needed to use SprayOn CarWash on areas that got a little splashed.

the rest i only used SpeedShine.