I know it was frustrating to watch the crappy camera position! Was for me too... I should have tested it more first... All good points and nearly all being addressed
Originally Posted by Phimosis
Mount your camera higher, then point it down a little so we can see the track in front of the car.
DONE... I have a new camera position now that is MUCH better
Originally Posted by Phimosis
Zoom in a little so...
Maybe... The new position is forward somewhat, but you can still see legs, arms and shifter... I like it that way, tells me how car is respondign to my inputs... Eventually I'll install a second camera and will have pic in pic covering part of the black, and as you note the 'electronic dashboard' covers another part
Originally Posted by Phimosis
Can you shrink the data logger banner a little? It would still be easy to read if it were a little smaller and then show more track.
I don't think the software allows this... I can adjust the opacity though
Originally Posted by Phimosis
At speed, the microphone is distorting from too much input from moving air. Maybe a piece of cloth over or directly in front of the mic would help?
Originally Posted by Phimosis
Stretch to 16:9 format...
Chasecam is working on this... Can't be done with current cam
Originally Posted by Phimosis
Please, please, plase hook up your tach lead.
Absolutely... will be adding that soon by dropping a line through the dash... doing it concurrently with new gauge install