I had the shop replace every bearing and bushing during the install , the shop re opened it and adjusted the backlash. The whine is now very very vague. Almost non existent, I should of posted that earlier.
On occasion you can here a very minute whine. They said the Case and available shims just couldn't be perfect but that all measurements are well within spec. I trust them. Its about 5 percent of what it was originally, so far no problems.
Never experienced axle hop. The car spins fine, no wheel hop either.
09 370Z 6M PW - FBO Best 1/4 mile = 12.926 @ 109 SOLD -- 08 BMW 135i - FBO 12.1@120mph SOLD -- white 09 e92 335 Coupe Mtech - 11.9 @ 119 :-)
Last edited by chuckd05; 02-04-2011 at 07:12 AM.