Originally Posted by shadoquad
I'd love to work in an elegant office, working alongside absolute professionals wearing dapper suits and using proper manners. Unfortunately, my field of specialization has a proud tradition of slackerwear in confined cheap buildings, at every stage from entry-level positions and interns, to the top academics, to high ranking government civilians, all the way to the foremost technical experts in the field. In other words, to get along in my industry, you go along, and that means business casual, with a heavy emphasis on casual.
I work in a very nice new facility, we built it and moved in November, 2009. That doesn't suddenly make everyone "upscale professional" though, lol. We stopped wearing suits about 5 years ago, I love it. Business casual with logo, ahem, "brandwear" (drink the koolaid) shirts .......... polos, buttondown oxfords, fleece vests, and sweaters all available. It really is nice, especially as hot as it gets down here. After 30 years, wearing a tie everyday sucked......... the glamour of looking dapper gets old quick when the temp is 98 and the humidity matches that

I love the brandwear! Our new corporate center is first class too, large kitchen common area, great furnishings, and amenities like a small gym with full showers.