Originally Posted by bumblez
As u can see my own journal, previously I purchased CF amuse kit from Jamaica951(andrew). However, I didn't know Wat I got was fake kit  I believed mine was real cuz Andrew told me he bought 3 amuse kit from forum vendor and he promised to me tat he gonna send me the invoice. But he didn't. He also told me that powerhouse owner is his friend. I emailed them directly to powerhouse in japan and guess wat? They don't kno who the **** is Andrew!! As u guys can see some thread about fake aero kit, he was one of the anti fake, but now he is selling fake amuse!!  I asked him about that but,He keeps telling me wat he was sold to me was real. Please beware this guy, he is the worst seller I have ever met.
Who spends that kind of money on a product that the did little research on. How do you think it's real when powerhouse doesn't make it in CF.
Also, what Jamaica offers is different than someone copying a kit to be cheaper. He offers a product that the company doesn't offer. There is value in that.