Originally Posted by umbralux
Hi there,
I would like to import the US Nissan NISMO 370Z in Switzerland. Now, I try to find out what needs to be done on the car itself to register the car and bring the NISMO on Swiss roads.
What I know so far:
> The car needs the "vehicle emission control information" sticker - I think that's fine, I already find a pic of a NISMO sticker.
> the lights must be or conform - can someone tell me if the lights of the 370Z fulfill this requirement?
> passanger protection, side-impact and front-impact topic is as well a point. Does anybody knows something about? Is there a label/sticker in the car? I need to show the registrar that the car fulfills the european standard in safety and passenger safety.
> What aobut speed indicator - is it in MPH and KMH?
> And finally an other stupid thing  - they will ask me about a noise level (volume) test and confirmation. The Swiss cars must not exceed the noise level of 74 dB(A) - anybody a clue if there's a confirmation letter available for the NISMO or the standard 370Z in US?
Thanks for all your support, appreciate!
Pleas help me to bring that car on a Swiss road!!
I believe the US Nismo model will fulfill all of the requirements you just mentioned. As far as proof goes, you should contact Nissan North America and they should be able to help you out.