Originally Posted by Bullitt@UAMotorsports
DAM!!!! thats an expensive paint job! I hope thats including all the door jam areas, engine bay and every other nook and cranny! $13,000 is crazy! I could see $9000 or even $7000 but $13000 is CRAZY!!!
The price was for a COMPLETE recolor. so that means engine out every single bit of the interior.
I am now waiting for a price on just painting the visible parts since im planning to keep this car FOREVER.
also car is getting free dyno runs and computer work on it since I was the first 370 at his shop and he wants to support me. probably because he wants to use my car as a show car and take it around car shows like the paris carshow and germany

I am planning to paint the rims what you reckon would be good?
I was thinking , pearl white amuse Z with black accents and matte black rims.