2008 cbr 1000rr
I bought this bike in october of last year. I have close to 2k miles on it now. I hardly ever ride it. Most of those miles are driving to my hometown from here which is 3 hours away (Im in the Army). Im asking $7000 which is a awesome price if you look around for these. There is not a scratch on the bike. It literally looks brand new. It has never seen a day of rain and sleeps in the garage every night.
P.S. As soon as this sales im getting in a new 370.
For some reason the gas tank looks like it has some swirls in the paint but it doesnt i promise. Its just the pic.
And also who ever buys it gets two helmets. One of them is a Ed Hardy kmc helmet. That has only been worn once by my wife. lol The other is a icon skull helmet, which is black with a little white in it. Both of those helmets were 400 dollars A PIECE. And also a black Speed and Strength jacket which was 200 and some odd dollars. Plus a pair of black alpine stars gloves and those were 99.99 plus tax. lol
Last edited by cagneymc@yaho; 08-09-2009 at 10:48 PM.
Reason: price change