Originally Posted by BrianMSmith
Not nearly enough. I think gas should cost at least $6 a gallon, which is still stupid cheap. The straw that broke the camel's back resulting in the recession and financial crisis was the spike in gas prices in 2007 that our consumer's could not absorb on top of credit card and mortgage debt (the recession would have still happened, but less suddenly and with less damage). We are in big trouble if we don't start adapting our energy technology and infrastructure more rapidly. There is no reason why we could not be driving mostly electric cars now, fueled by nuclear and renewable resources, if we had a battery station at every corner along with a gas station. Why not drive up to Bill's auto and have your battery swapped out for a charged one, instead of filling up with dino juice?
I agree that the price of energy is what was the bowling ball in the pond back in 2007~8 that precipitated the crash that we are currently still enjoying...
We are in huge trouble in the energy department because it has been completely ignored by our government for going on 40 years.
We need to take advantage of all the constant, concentrated energy sources available. We have tons and tons of coal, natural gas, and OIL. Of course the only real problem with getting them is Government interference.
As far as the battery powered car???
It is not battery powered.
It is coal and natural gas powered.
As much as I would love to see more Nuke plants and Pocket Nuke plants it is just not going to happen unless things get desperate. The last nuke plant was approved in 1977 and came online in 96ish. They are expensive to build and our government has punted on nuclear waste storage. So the electricity companies have to deal with waste storage which is another added expense that is killing off potential nuke plants...
Besides Hydro electric dams, nothing else really works, or I should say nothing else scales up to the generation capacities necessary to be a reliable energy source. Renewable energy sources make up less than 10% of the total energy usage for the entire country.
As far as a portable highly energetic energy source, nothing right now can come close to touching gasoline. And there is nothing in the immediate future that is going to come close.
Now had we started drilling for oil everywhere in America in 2007~2008 those energy sources would be coming online right about now or in 2012. Allowing us to effectively cut off our oil imports.
The government would also have a big fat income from the taxes and royalties on the oil produced in the country, which would in turn help us start digging out of the fiscal hole we are in right now. Well at least if the imbeciles we send to washington would stop spending like its not their money...
So get ready for the second bowling ball that is going to push us deeper into the depression we are currently in today. When gas prices hit 6 bucks a gallon you all better be prepared to hunker down and look out after your own..
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