Unfortunately, I have to agree with this post. Only been to the GTA three times, and everytime I am appalled at the way people act. It reminds me of LA or New York city.

Maybe it's because there's just so many people compared to everywhere else in Canada. I think you hit the nail on the head with the "elitist" comment. Can't really think of a better way to describe Torontonians.
BUT, I'm from Alberta. And you know what everyone says about us... we're Bible-thump'n, God-fear'n bigots. But, road-rage isn't really an issue here. We haven't had anyone killed or beaten-up over a silly traffic foul-up. But if you mess with the religious right... look-out brother!!
But, I'll tell you a true story about something I saw today as I was leaving a Wal-Mart in a small town just west of Edmonton. A lady came back into the store and had 2 items in her hands. The "greeter" asked if she could be of assistance. The lady said that she had used the self-checkout stand and had forgotten to ring in two items. She realized this fact when she got to her car. She apoligized to the employee and proceeded to go straight to pay for these 2 items.
Sometimes honesty is a purely Canadian trait. And it really made my day.
Originally Posted by matt2112
i've lived here all my life... unfortunately, the stereotypes of torontonians are mostly true imo: the majority are a$$holes with an elitist complex , and when an a$$hole is even slightly inconvenienced, they'll want you to know how they feel.
thankfully, we're not all like that 