Originally Posted by Lemers
Yes in a straight line however I did make turns Luckily enough Centrifugal force didn't through it into the street.
There is no such thing as centrifugal force, it's a myth. The force that causes things to move in an arc or circle is called centripetal force, it's a force pointing at the center of rotation. What people call "centrifugal" force is actually Newton's first law, which states that objects in motion tend to stay in the same motion unless acted on by another force...so it's not a force at all. In the case of turning, that force is centripetal force. There is actually no "force" pushing you to the outside of the corner, what you feel is centripetal force pushing you toward the center of the circle.
What would cause your key fob to become lost, is actually a lack of centripetal force required to keep it on the same turning radius as the car.
I know I'm smart ***, but I didn't pay $100k for a degree in physics for nothing.