Originally Posted by Chris@WheelsDirectOnline.com
I dont think he deserves that, the guy has been pretty nice for the most part in the past. I dont agree with how he is handling it, but chargebacks look REALLY bad on companies so at least give him the chance to just refund your money you know? You guys dont realize it bc your the customer, but its not fair to the store when its not their fault. If you want to cancel, do it, but out of respect to the guy at minimum give him the chance to just refund you the money and you guys, all of you who are having issues can just part ways.
well, i dont know the whole story but it is absolutely the store's fault if they can't get their shitt together... meaning having meaningful discussions with the distributors in japan or whoever they're buying from, deliverying promises, meeting deadlines, deliverying product to the customer. if they can't make their promise give the customer the choice to cancel the order.
if the guy can't even answer his phone to conduct the refund, well there's no choice but to just cancel it through the creditcard company, unfortunately.

i will leave it at that.
and im also in the business of selling as my profession... just in much larger dollars and much bigger liabilities and risks that involves hundreds of people at our company and thousands more at the customer's side. but same basic priniciples apply.