Originally Posted by Chris@WheelsDirectOnline.com
Oh OH call me lol, for real as a dealer though no offense to rick but everyone is right. People are coming on here speaking for him, when you have alot of business's or not thats not an excuse. If you cant handle it, hire someone and if that doesnt work close the company. I had to deal with a chargeback after 2 months of a custom order, I wish you guys would order from me b/c man your all very nice and I actually talk to my customers.
This is one of those situations where I was on Ricks side but I am leaning as you should never have someone else talking good about you, trying to cover for your mistakes. I hope it gets resolved, but in fairness he sounds like a good guy so dont do a chargeback to him. Speak to him and let him refund you the money as I am sure he will.
I couldn't agree with you more Chris

I was appalled by some of the responses in that other thread, especially when people mention he has other "business's" to run..
This was posted in the other thread but I couldn't quote it since it was closed..
Originally Posted by Jamaica@UAMotorsports
Obviously you don't know what your talking about. Yes there isues and its being resolved. I live it when people jump in and think they know what's going on
Since you are in the "know" please explain to everyone what is going on.. Why on earth would an order that is typically quoted 8-12 weeks take over a YEAR to arrive.. I was in the wheel industry for 5+ years and have a lot of experience dealing with distributors, oversea manufactures, etc.. and have never seen an order take this long unless something went very wrong.. I had posted this on the my350z thread
(where other members are also waiting for orders) and really hope for everyone it isn't the latter issue..
"Sucks to see you have to wait this long

It could be due to various reasons, no way to really know what's going on sitting from the outside.. There has to be something really wrong going on for an order to actually take this long...
-Delay with manufacture
-Delay with importer
-Delay with customs
-Vendor doesn't have money to pay for incoming orders
Who knows
