Originally Posted by pquaid
Since Cobb gave up and is not going to be able to tune my turbos and so many people frown on the greedy tuner....which I have both installed now and Im getting the up rev and getting rid of other two... We are getting a baseline dyno on a new dyno then a computer swap just to see how much better the uprev really is. I sure hope this won't be a waste of money.
just a quick update... up rev is installed and I dyno'd at 486whp.. my dyno with cobb and emanage was 472whp... but one thing I must say is im not sure how much credit to give uprev or Tony at T1, my z was formerly tuned at jotech motorsports but always sputtered when turbos engaged unless i was full throtle. Tony said it was the emange doing that and that he wouldnt even touch my car unless he could take it off because it sucked. My z is a totally different car now and i just thought it was bad a$$ before. I would love to show it off to anyone on the forum in the east texas area. Thanks Tony at T1 and UPREV!!!