ARC audio is kind of a good brand, but honesly I'd look into ELF Audio to save you some money if you are really set on an ARC Audio amplifier. Its the same stuff as Arc just a lot cheaper. If you compare the internals side-by-side they are the same amp in similar packages but with much different costs.
Really, most of the good-ol-brands are now using some variation of a chinese/contracted knock-off. The Arc/Elf Mini is used a -lot- with Harley Davidson installations due to it's size, Class AB, and power output. Not too bad..
Now, if you want something really small, I have an old school ZED Audio built / Autotek 7050 (Similar to an Autotek 44, but older) thats even smaller than the ARC/Elf mini and is a really show winner.
Last edited by Unclemeaty; 01-26-2011 at 12:28 PM.