Originally Posted by kellyefields
I think you mistook what I meant. I do only use the zanio line on my cars now. before I found it I used many different products but would always only use that line of products until it was gone and would try something else if i did not get the results i wanted. I was just using the examples of different ways one can go with. I agree with you that you should choose one product line and stay with it. That is one reason I chose the zanio line because of the product selection. As far as the turtle wax that is something I used in the past before. I read alot of your posts and got smart in the wax department. I do bow to your knowledge about car finishes  just trying to give some examples and not sound like a zaino salesman. BTW when/who did you serve. Me I am still in working on my staff billet down in Tampa with MARCENT. (military Police)
Don't hesitate to push the Zaino line, it is a very good product and I have successfully used it myself. I still have some in my garage right now. No one will fault you on pushing their product. It's a little more time consuming and a lot of folks don't read the directions on how to use it so it gets a bad rap from people wanting a quicker route to shiny paint. Thanks for clearing that up. When I saw Zaino and Turtle Wax in the same sentence, my head rotated all the way around.
I was in back during the Lebanon conflict (82-88). a lot of guys that I did ITS with were blown up in that terrorist attack on our barracks. If I wasn't so independent in my way of thinking, I would go back in (I think I still have one year of eligibility left). But knowing me, a second lieutenant would scream at me one time and find himself picking his teeth up across the parade deck.
I better stay a civilian.