Originally Posted by Caravanshaka
Actually, if you go to any LED resistor calculator site, they all have wiring schematics for multiple LED's per resistor, with 3 LED's per resistor being common. My uncle is an electrical engineer that works with LED's on a daily basis, and he is the one that supplied me with the wiring schematic, which I verified to be correct on a couple different resistor calculator sites.
I think the issue with flickering is due to a loose connection somewhere in that string of 3, probably a post that broke off of an LED or resistor that is still held in place by the heat-shrink tubing allowing it to have a bad connection.
I think you're 100% right. I now stand corrected. I don't think there is anything wrong with the way these were wired. I think I just hit a few too many bumps in the road...