Originally Posted by LONDON2012
This car was listed almost a year ago. Look at the date in the article. Also, I was watching this vehicle when it was first listed on ebay. Then it eventually moved over to auto trader. The story of why they were selling kept changing. I don't buy the story.
has to be fake.
Originally Posted by Lug
"She is also not a fool and decided the boy was (far too wealthy) and she could use the money."
Sorry, gotta disagree with most here. I raised my kids better. I doubt any of them would take this gift under the false pretence of deciding someone else was "far too wealthy" even if they "could use the money". To take advantage of his feeling for her for monetary gain is just icing on the cake for this rotten kid.

it's wholly unethical to accept a gift under false pretense and then sell it. It might be financially savvy, but it's morally wrong.