Like the title says, I'm looking to trade my open differential pumpkin from my base model Z plus cash for your VLSD equipped differential pupkin from your Sport package Z. The differential pumpkins are completely interchangeable.
Why would you do this? I'm looking for someone who is planning on installing a Quaife or OS Giken LSD (baller status). The Quaife and OSG LSD's are actually cheaper and an easier swap for base model pumpkins than VLSD pumpkins, so you'll save money there; PLUS the cash I'll throw on top. Other aftermarket LSD's might be similar, I am not sure.
Even better, I can ship my pumpkin first which will cut down on your car's downtime!
If interested, PM me and we can work out a price and the details. C'mon, friends don't let friends drive Z's without LSD!
Thanks for reading!