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Old 01-23-2011, 05:08 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Scott @ RA View Post
Really??, so you DON'T work for THMotorsports, and you don't draw an income and/or pay your bills from working for this company??? I doubt that is true, but I could be mistaken. Please Nick, correct me if I am wrong and you don't get a paycheck for selling parts. (cause I don't make any money or my living off of doing this)
Don't get me wrong I do work for THM, but whether or not this is my primary income is irrelevant. Contrary to popular belief, we are unlike all the other vendors out there. I personally went to school (as well as the main other guys I work with) and we all do our own thing. All things automotive have been a hobby of our since we were young. We all met in college through automotive related hobbies and continue to be friends. I can assure you, THM is like no other company out there. Personally, I think its rather offensive that you try to call me out on a matter such as this.

Originally Posted by Scott @ RA View Post
^^ Once again, you know not of which you speak.... I can assure you without a doubt I/we have lost money thus far in the implementation and developing of these rotors at this point. With all the time, and cost that went into the process, the material, casting, and machining costs.... UMM yeah. We would probably have to sell a couple dozen more sets of these rotors before a profit is ever seen,...... so yeah,
If you have lost money, than I feel sorry for you. Honestly, there is no reason for someone to stick their head out there so far as to go into the red.

Originally Posted by Scott @ RA View Post
Sounds good. Good luck. See ya around. In the meantime, I am sure it was not your intention.... But can you please not insult me or our product (without having first hand knowledge or data and experience on our products or the products you are peddeling) by comparing any cheap, inferior, cast grey iron overseas made, mass produced rotor to our rotors. I'd appreciate it buddy.
Never at any time did I insult you or your product. If you go back and review the messages, you will see that it was YOU that jumped down my throat. Never did I claim to have knowledge of your product beyond my understanding.

In all honesty, I feel as though you have taken the defensive and are trying to belittle our company (THM) and GiroDisc based upon your language. As I have stated several times before, the product GiroDisc offers is superior to anything else on the market. Your stand has become null and void, as well as rather offensive.

Scott, I would appreciate if you do not insult me, my company or girodisc for that matter. Your verbiage is rather offensive. And for you to take this stand on a public forum shows dis-taste. If you feel as though my claim is invalid, go ahead and read your last statement to me.

If you are happy with the product your company offers, than that is all that matters.

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Last edited by THMotorsports; 01-24-2011 at 11:44 AM.
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