Originally Posted by SAM@GTM
So i guess you are the same idiot that started the whole drama on my350z when you told every one that we are claiming that we are going for a 2000 RWHP
And now you are here trying to start more **** by making more false statement . 
GTM Performance Engineering VQ45VHR-Our Journey to The 1000 HP and Beyond
^ That was a exert from the article.. --Not to worry, I wouldn't expect an apology.
Very professional reply.. I must say I expected a mature reply, if any.. But I guess its not surprising, after years of reading some of your incoherent posts..(My350z)...
And yes, I was in error when I mentioned eagletangreen's motor, hence the edit. My mistake.. --I am man enough to admit to a mistake...Unlike some..
Your verbal outlash reminds me of kids in a playground.. You know where the one child is telling TALL tales, and when confronted by others--he resorts to name calling...

Time to grow up Sam..
-You put your customer in this position to be centered out. Perhaps posting up threads of GTM grandeur and using paying customers to promote vapor-ware, wasn't such a great idea?
Let alone using these same claims to bring in new less knowledgeable customers?.. is that your business model--smoke & mirrors?

If you can't handle criticism, then why put your face on the line?
I have been a z owner long before you were in the business so please don't think you can try and intimidate me.. I am on this board, and have a right to post.... Not sure why you would care.. I could care less about you..
You have yet to build a 1000whp z... Yes?

^Perhaps you are ashamed that you can tout to be the best, but cannot build the best?
So now I will ignore you.. It's what grown-ups do when we want to avoid trash... Perhaps when you grow up, you will learn this lesson..
BYE SAM! I hope you make a solid setup for this guy.. He deserves nothing less for the amount of $ he must have invested..