Richarlie, Guard_Dad, thanks for the excellent posts regarding your experience with the "noise/not noise/whatever all want to call it" reduction. I ,along with many other I suspect, found those posts particularly helpful.
I agree with many in the forum who actually provide valuable info rather than opinions that sidetrack from the main point of the forum. You car, your money, your taste, your mods regardless of opposing opinions.
I too have found myself in situations where I was struggling to hold conversations in my nismo cruising at the normal 140mph (why I am talking at those speeds is not the issue, maybe I am being chased by zoombies in other sports cars, who knows

); I don't want to eliminate the sound from this sweet & mean engine since it is part of the awesome driving experience, I wouldn't mind reducing some of the slight road "noise/not noise/whatever all want to call it".
Would adding the dynamat to the doors & trunk suffice to eliminate much of the issue? Does one also need to do apply some dynamat to the floor for complete satisfaction ? I will be using the 20lbs dynamat 9 sheet pack.