Hmm... simple is what I'm looking for, which is why I want a digital media receiver. I personally haven't tried any of the new units in person, but I'm definitely fed up with the slowness of the DDX-814. I like everything about it on the hardware end, but the interface and lack of speed is driving me nuts. Not only does it take forever to load a song, I can't have more than 255 files per folder. This is with the latest firmware, and it appears Kenwood won't even update it anymore.
The Alpine so far fits the bill for 7" display with decent resolution, has USB and iPod connectivity, BT for handsfree, and a good price to start with. I don't know how well it switches songs and whatnot, but from the videos it seems to perform better than the DDX.
My current setup is 2.1ch audio. I liked the DDX 13-band EQ, but I may lose it with the W407. Is IMPRINT overkill for my simple setup?