The PC680, I've seen people use it for years without issues...
Anyway, so I'm starting to get into taking weight off the car....just wondering what everyone is doing, has done or is thinking about doing to take weight off without making big sacrifices.
I know I can get rid of my interior, but thats not realistic. I'm looking for things that we can all do with some slight modifications. Getting rid of things we dont need, inexpensive part swaps, etc.
I'll throw in the first one:
You can very easily remove 5lbs off the car by removing the hatch weight. All you have to do is pull down the plastic from the hatch and look around the middle, there is a big black square weight held in with like 6 screws. I guess its to make the hatch more weight-neutral when swinging it down and up. Completely pointless. Take it out...go faster.