Originally Posted by djamalt
No worries man, no offense was taken. I just like to offer and different, yet sympathetic POV.
You're a cyclist? I've been considering a push bike for a couple of months. We gotta talk at the meet. LOL.
And man, you guys are bold! 40 mph coming downhill through the twisties with only a helmet and gloves on in the canyons! Whew! Balls of steel!
PS - the Santa Anas keep motorcyclists at bay. LOL
I used to be competitive and am getting back into it since I am on my school's triathlon team currently! I have been up in the canyons a handful of times and will never go again and that is saying a lot: back when I went to school in Newark NJ, I used to ride through the rail road section (worst part) at night to give myself some motivation to keep my speed up. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea haha. I have seen some crazy things having been on my bike coming up to 20,000 miles and I'm sure you have too!
I completely forgot about walkie talkies, I know jamaica has a few but I never bought them and didn't realize he isn't coming. I will have comprehensive directions and since I am familiar with the roads, I will not miss any turns this time haha.