Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
I think a lot of people saw their oil temperatures drop after a couple of thousand miles. I think this is an indicative indicator that the break-in is complete and that the tight parts (rings etc) are no longer generating as much friction and subsequently, heat. Redline is a good oil no doubt, just saying it may not be the sole reason you saw a temperature drop. My temperatures have dropped and I'm on my second batch of Nissan Ester.

Totally agree Chris. I bought my car in end February and temparature outside was a lot colder (50s) than it is now. Despise the cold temparature, I had noticed oil temp climbed very easily during my break in period (upto 2500 miles IMO). Then, as everything was broken in, car was a lot stable and oil temp would not rise as quickly. Some of the other members also seen this behavior.