Thread: Sony Laptops?
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Old 01-14-2011, 01:20 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat View Post
Dells are the lowest computer you can get now a days. Our company has stopped using them because of how you have to get replacement parts when things break. I own a apple my second one and love it well worth the price. If I would have to buy a computer I would go for asus or lenovo

How you have to get replacement parts when things break?

Dells are the same as literally every other computer on the planet. When/if hardware breaks, you fix it the same way as everything else. If you are talking about their phone support/RMA/etc. services, then I still have no clue what you're on about. Dell has one of the best business support systems out of any large computer company.

Buy a laptop with hardware that works for you. While I suggested Dell before (simply because of your price point), you can buy a laptop from any company and be happy these days.

Dells, however, get a bad rep because people love to hate on them for whatever reason. I have no idea why, but as someone who has previously worked in the tech field -- trust me when I sat the majority of the criticism is by people who don't have an even view of the playing field.
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