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Old 01-14-2011, 12:35 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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xsnapshot is on a distinguished road

Long time lurker here. I'm a few months away from my engineering degree and have been looking heavily into getting a lightly used 370z as a replacement for my modified WRX. (they are fun, but just not as sexy as a 370z IMO....)

I've been keeping tabs on this VVEL development for quite some time, and have done some research on the matter. Very interested in how this plays out, as I would love to have about 350 to the wheels NA in a Z. Not looking to go FI, at least for now.

I have an idea that has been floating around in my head for a while. Why not compare the VVEL settings for the NISMO and the normal Z? Since the NISMO has the better intake and exhaust, the engineers "SHOULD" have optimized the VVEL for the increased volumetric efficiency of the system. Perhaps this comparison would then tell us what needs to be changed in NA applications when even further increases in VE are realized.

Who knows if they actually did modify the VVEL system for the NISMO, but its worth a look IMO, now that GTM has access to it.

I'm also wondering if the VVEL system could modified to two different sections.
<3000 RPMish optimize the VVEL on NA applications for greatest fuel efficiency
>3000 RPM adjust for optimum power?

The opensource nature, and ease with which the Subaru community is able to modify the WRX/STI is incredible, and hopefully someday,some genius programmers/coders will accomplish for Nissan's what romraider has accomplished for subarus.

In for results, and discussion! (P.S. love the technical nature of this discussion!)
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