Three midgets in a bar, arguing over who is the smallest.
The first midget says, "I might not be smallest, but I guarantee that I have the smallest head."
The second midget says, "That may be, but I bet you I have the smallest hands of anyone."
The third one says, "Hmmm, I don't know, but I definitely have the smallest penis."
So, they all decide to go to Guiness to verify their claims. The first midget walks in and comes out some time later, grinning from ear to ear, holding a certificate. "Read it and weep, boys. Smallest human head of any adult."
The second one goes in and comes out some time later elated and jumping around, he too with a certificate in hand. "Check it out, LOSERS! Smallest hands of any adult human male."
The third midget goes in but comes out only a little while longer with no certificate. Upset beyond consolation, he cries. "Who the F*CK is this 'AK370Z' fella, anyway?"