Originally Posted by '10Anamoly
Yeah I need to reconsider my thoughts thanks to your post. I was so close to trouble but you saved me from the devastation of forum punishment, the worst thing in life since mild hangnails.

If your intent was to come on here and politely warn other citizens that there is a business out there whom charges more than you deem logical for their work and simply wanted to put your message out, then yes I have helped you.
If your intent was to come on here and use a blatantly obvious point to drag a compeditor through the mud, then well you have attempted, and failed. And I'm merely trying to point out the fact that if you want to still have the ability of promoting yourself through such means, you might want to alter your current course of verbal traffic.
So far your point has been "Forged charges too much! Waa".
Okay, so what if they do... They decide their costs/charges and give them to you.
You as customer either sign the line saying I accept these charges, or you don't and go to another shop.
But to come on here and put them on blast? Sure thats fine, "hey Forged charges are steep, watch yourself.." Lock the thread, and be done.
But this assault has what goal? Are you trying to sit here and get a refund or get your quote reduced? Cause if that's your goal you are going about it in the waaaaay wrong manner.
Realistically you have lost any credibility whatsoever to your cause based on your personal attacks. You have gone through and now delibrately pointed out individuals and made remarks against them to the point no one is listening to you and the original idea of the thread has been lost into the sea of BS.