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Old 01-09-2011, 09:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Good car..... for a 16 yr old???

Ive been looking at this forum for a while just browsing through pics and decided to join so I could post and see what people opinions are about the car. This has been my dream car since the day it came out and soon I will be turning 16..... I just was wondering if anyone thinks that a 370z would be a good car for a 16 or 17 year old (like maybe as a first car or a car after your first car) or if it has to much power and that I will probably get into trouble with it and that I should probably wait until I am in college or something? Also how would you compare the 370z to a Carrera S? My dad owns one and I love that car but to be honest i think the 370z looks much more attractive.
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