How detrimental is it to...
So my question is, how detrimental is it to drive your car hard when its not warmed up? The reason I ask this question is because I recently had an encounter on the street that made me think that its maybe isnt so bad. To make a long story short. I work in a restaurant at a highend life style center, and valet parking is directly in front. Great cars consistenly get to stay on display with out moving to the actual parking lot, which brings me to my situation.
There was a Lambo Superleggera parked out front for around four hours. It just so happened that when I was leaving work, so was the Lambo. It was reasonably cool out(maybe 50 degrees or so), and when I pulled out on to the street he pulled along side me at the first light just outside the center.
I really wanted to punch it to see how badly he would pull away(with out breaking the speed limit of course, and because I keep it off the streets), but I knew my engine was cold and so was his, so I figured neither of us would gun it. Well I was completely wrong, when the light turned green he bogged for fraction of a second and then ripped away at an astonishing velocity. The sound was amazing, for the brief time he was next to me. I dont know how fast he got up to, but I would say he was doing well over triple digits in just a matter of a few seconds. I did my usual acceleration with out surpassing 3500k, and up to the speed limit.
So back to my question, how bad is it to beat on your car when its not up to proper operating temperature? This guy has a quater million dollar car and didnt hesitate to rip on it when it was cold. Mine cost a fraction of that and I always wait until the engine is warm before stomping on it. Is it just because he has the money to replace broken or worn parts, or is it really not that bad to do so because of modern technology and synthetic oils? Opinions?
I snapped a quick pic with the droid while at the light...