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Old 01-08-2011, 08:23 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Hello everyone and I have some info i would like to post. Not one person on here can call me a Stillen Nut swinger and all this info is unbiased. After hearing about Stillen trying to destroy weiboys for sale I contacted Josh about this. Reason for doing this was because i was upset about something like this and thought it was a shitty thing for them to do. Well after speaking with Josh according to him that was not the case. I had about a half hour conversation with him and he provided me with a ton of info. So I am going to display this info for all to read and to make there own interpretation of what happen. The reason for stillen not posting this is because thy didn't want to seem like they were attacking weiboy. The reason I am posting is because like anyone else on here I want the truth so people can make there own assumption based off of the facts they were provided. I don't know if i was suppose to post this or if Josh wanted the conversation kept between me and him, so I am practicing my first amendment, so sorry Josh if this was not what was intended.

I addressed the situation to Josh so i am going to go down the line.
Josh told me that the statement of them trying to kill his F/S thread is completely unfair. People have called asking about the kit and if they would recommend if they buy it. Stillen told them to proceed with caution because they did not see the condition of the kit and verify if all the parts to be removed were there. With stillen i have to agree with. How can they tell someone it will be good if they did not see it. They don't know who is removing the kit, things get lost it happens. Also stillen provided eric with a option to send the kit into them to verify that all the parts were there and there present condition. It would cost about a hour of labor. Upon them completing the inspection Josh said he would have no problem on recommending the kit if it is good to go. Also Josh said he would have shipped it to the seller from there with all the parts required to fit it on to the 370 if that is the vehicle the buyer had. According to Josh weiboy denied this and said no body would pay for this. Also when people asked what was needed to make it fit on the Z, Stillen was unsure at first because they never received this request. After finding out they contacted weiboy to let him know the difference between both kits.

Since weiboy corrected about them not selling the parts required for the kit, I will skip that. Seemed to be miscommunication there that was cleared up. Josh also mentioned to me that they never mentioned that they wouldn't provide the new buyer of there kit with support. he was quick to say "we are still on the hook with this kit regardless of who owns it.

Josh also told me about some of the performance issues with weiboys car, but I am not going into that on here because I don't own the kit. I just want to provide the info on there customer service. I just want to make sure that all the info is out there for people to make there own decision.

Last edited by toner123; 01-08-2011 at 10:35 PM. Reason: spellng
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