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Old 01-08-2011, 06:07 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Hi Jeff,

I visited LI Sounds today and unfortunately we weren't able to cut out a deal. I showed him the following prices I found online:

- Viper 5901: $215 + Tax (Free shipping on Amazon prime)
- XK07 CAN Bus Immobilizer: $37 + Tax + Shipping (im89, thats what you need.. but the place I'm getting it done from is going to use the "Audiovox FLCAN Multi-Platform Canbus Enabled Doorlock Interface" but I figure they do the same thing)
- Glass Sensor DEI 506t: $20 + Tax + Shipping
- Tilt Sensor 507M: $27 + Tax (Free shipping on Amazon prime)

Based on all the research I've done extensively on this forum, labor prices for the install have been varying between $200-250 (best deals I saw) to anything more than that.

So my offer was about $650 and tax if you add up those numbers. He quoted me $700 and I was reluctantly agreeing when suddenly he said no to even the $700 after looking at some of his paper work claiming the $650 wouldn't produce enough profit. I wanted to get it done from him because he's worked on a 370z before. Anyway, I headed to Soundtrax in Centereach and setup an appointment for a few days from now, it came to $700 out the door with tax for the 5901 with tilt and glass sensors. I've also ordered the battery backup for some $25-30 separately, I forgot I wanted that too. I'm assuming he'll throw it in during the install at no extra cost, and if that ends up being the case, OP, my cost is coming to $730.

The shop is clearly still making a $300 on the labor if you do the math, I don't know why LI Sounds felt this wasn't enough if similar shops in NY could take it. Anyway, thanks Jeff! Soundtrax is old and big and everything too, but I believe they haven't done a 370z Viper installation before.. I'm going to cross my fingers and go ahead for my appointment and post up some pictures hopefully.

Last edited by dudafunk; 01-08-2011 at 06:35 PM.
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