Thread: Malibu cruise
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Old 01-08-2011, 12:34 AM   #1196 (permalink)
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R390 is on a distinguished road

Here are some good roads for the summer time to hit, if the winter isnt so brutal on them.

Lower sequoia national park.
Bena Rd to CA-190 W/E Poplar Ave - Google Maps

do not use 178 on the lower section - it is very narrow and lots of traffic + falling rocks and on shoulder to pull off should something go wrong. use bodfish rd off the 58 up. Last time I did this in a 07 350z I cooked the brakes coming down highway 190 from the peak, and it was brutal on the Auto box.

If this word has not been used enough "EPIC" would be one for this route.
Monroe St to US-101 S/Hwy 101 S/Redwood Hwy - Google Maps

drive up the night before on I5 get a hotel room and head out early next morning, this is a WOT blast, and I mean wide open throttle if you want to get back to the 101 while they there is daylight out. Make sure you use the car you want for this trip.

these roads are not for the novice. if you have driven all of the roads in and want something better .

this is very underrated from the maps view still very fun to do in the mid of winter.

W Bell Vista Ave to CA-190 W - Google Maps

Bristlecome pine forest - one of the oldest known pine trees
really want to get high ? seriously end of the road on the map is 13,000ft, need a permit to go past the gate to get up to the bar-croft research lab
which is 14,000+Ft above sea level

Big Pine, CA to Unknown road - Google Maps

upper sequoia national park (summer only)
Ave 334 to E Avenue 416/E El Monte Way - Google Maps

Yosemite Loop. Summer or Fall start out very early in the morning at the gate this way there is little or no traffic and US Forrest service park enforcement uses unmarked pickup trucks for traffic enforcement.

Passo Robles to Laguna Seca.
*Negative notes - GPS will not work back here or will do some really funky things.
*Access on base is permissible but vehicle must be registered and Insured.
*Do not attempt this route at night if you do you will get lost once your GPS goes silent, and its happened to me and a couple of others who have.

you will need a full tank to top off in Passo Robles and be light on the throttle, once you get too PCH you will be faced with one gas station before you get to Monterey and last i heard gas is well over $4 a gallon.

Paso Robles, CA to CA-68 E/Monterey Salinas Hwy - Google Maps
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