Originally Posted by Triple's
I'm open to pushing Ojai back a month or two since everyone's safety is #1
I'd hate to see anyone airlifted off the 33 because we pushed it over black ice. A shame, cause I'm getting my oil cooler tomorrow morning!
I think most of the canyons (between those that get ice, or mudslides / rockslides / potholes / runnoff) are going to stay touch and go through Feb. Anyone know of any lower elevation twisty roads in the area? Or maybe a kick *** spot for an impromptu Z show and a big group of amigos to get some grub in Santa Barbara?
If this ride is going to be canceled/postponed, please let us know ASAP. 3-day weekend means I can probably make alternate plans and get out of town on a little getaway. Yeah right, after the holidays and oil cooler purchase, I'm so broke if a mutha f*** rob me he'd just be practicin!