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Old 01-06-2011, 09:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Drives: 2015 Ford Explorer S
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Arc is on a distinguished road

Hey SPOHN, that was what I had in mind.
By the time the car arrives, the snow would have been a distant memory and I can enjoy the car for the entire summer.
March is usually when the snow stops, even though last year it snowed til the end of April, there were times when it was 90 degrees in early April, so who knows.

Hi daisuke.
I'm sure the car isn't in high demand. Though I doubt I would get the dealers to trim some of the costs down for me.
Not sure if I can negotiate something, but if I can get the car for near $30,,000 I'd be quite happy. I'm already going to put $10,000 down so the remaining payments will be history before I know it.
My income is decent, credit is probably Good, location should be cheap, and I'm 34.
The only other new car buying experience I have is with the '04 Sienna, and that went smoothly. That car was bought in that year and is paid off and still in excellent shape.

The dealer already has my deposit. At this point, they'll probably be annoyed if I back track on my order and leave them with a car they can't sell as they have two other 370Zs in their lot that aren't selling. Those two 370Zs are convertibles which I have no interest in.

If anyone has any negotiating advice I could use, that would be welcomed.
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