Originally Posted by bullitt5897
 seriously dude! he is trying to be different and he likes the matte look if that is what he wants he can do it. Honestly, I think the Matte white combo is unique and novel.
You know what's so lame about your response? That you're all over me because I'm the only person who said I don't like his car. Is there some sort of FAQ on this forum I missed that says that only complete back-slappery and fanboism is allowed here?
Seriously, if you do things to your car, some people aren't going to like it and if you post that stuff on an internet forum, some of those people are going to give you less than positive feedback.
I also liked that you went to the tried and true "different" and "unique and novel" lines. Perhaps I should do a rusted hood and roof rack on my car? I haven't seen that done on a Z yet. Since it would be "unique and novel", then by definition it would be awesome, right?